Getting to Camp
Getting to camp can be by GWN bus or private vehicle. We also bring our truck that has a large water tank, and carries all the other equipment we need. This includes a bush kitchen, gas cookers, marquee, toilets, fire pit equipment, etc. So we are usually self sufficient.
On arrival we all pitch in to set up according to our skills and abilities. Putting up the marquee, setting up the kitchen, digging fire pits, toilets, unloading personal gear etc. After this we then set up our own tents/swags/vans, helping each other as required. There is generally a degree of disarray at the start but we always get it sorted!

During the Camp

A wake up call generally starts the day. Some early birds will already be up, starting the fire, the porridge and heating the kettles.
Yoga or similar practices including meditation sessions are often held in the mornings for those who want to participate. Then we have breakfast and make our lunches (packing them into our day packs) lunch preparations (smorgasbord style) are usually made the previous evening to save time in the morning. A short morning “circle” to discuss the days walk, transport and pickups and off we go.
We have meetings called circles, each morning and evening. The morning circle focuses on the day’s activities but may include all matters that need attending to and we also acknowledge those who are leaving that day. At the evening circle we share some of the highlights of the day, welcome newcomers and have an overview of the next days activities. We also organise the sharing of essentials tasks for the next day (volunteers!!).
There is always plenty of time for relaxing, singing, yarning and laughter around the campfire, and for spending time with old friends and new.
Sometimes we start the walk in silence for about half an hour, so we can fully appreciate the land we are walking on.
Walks vary in length. The walk itself may be a loop out of camp and back. Or it may mean being bussed to the start, or back from the end of a walk. There will usually be pick up points along the way so there will be some options as to distance/difficulty walked or what to see or do. We try to be flexible to accommodate as many of the people in camp as possible.
We carry day-packs with lunch, water, raincoat etc. We normally keep a ” buddy” system and have a front and rear “shepherd” so that no one gets lost. This is discussed and agreed upon before each walk.